How Does Staging Benefit You?

You only have one chance to make a positive first impression. That’s where home staging comes in. Staging will highlight your home’s strengths. It’s a form of visual merchandising to flatter your property but not be too obvious about it. 


“What can be achieved to ensure my home will stand out from the competition to impress?”

ANSWER:  I will do my due diligence and STAGE your home to maximize the selling price and minimize the amount of time your home is on the market, ensuring it will sell for what it is worth.


Sales personnel know that emotion is what makes people buy!

  • Statistics confirm 9 out of 10 potential buyers cannot visualize a vacant home furnished and accessorized, thus see themselves living in the home
  • Staging will appeal to the greatest collection of prospective buyers
  • Staging an unoccupied property illustrates potential furniture size and placement, along with defining the purpose of the room.

To quote Marjorie A. Cohen: what does Staging achieve?

Buyers’ realtors reported that 81% of their clients felt that staging helped them imagine the property they were viewing as a future home, according of Realtors to the National Association (NAR) 2015 Profile of Home Staging.”

Why do it?

“Twenty years ago nobody worried about staging. But now it’s very likely your home will be competing with homes professionally staged—factor in the popularity of HGTV that has heightened the expectations of potential buyers.

By taking the Seller’s personality out of the property, prospective purchasers are presented with an ultimate representation of on how they can see themselves living happily and comfortably in the home.

Staging and photos by a professional show really well online, and 92% of people use the internet during their home search.

Statistics show that staged homes sell faster and for more money than those that are unstaged.  Only 10% of prospective buyers can visualize a home looking any different than the way it looks when they walk in the door. They need help.”

How will staging affect the selling price?                                              

According to the NAR report, 52% of buyers believe that buyers offer more for staged homes.

How much will it cost?

Consider that the cost of a complete staging is usually much less than your first price reduction.

As there are many variables on pricing, Return on Investment will pay off as using staging usually equates to 1% of the sale price of the home.

Staging helps a property sell faster rather than leaving prospective buyers wondering “if there is something wrong with the home as it sits on the market.”